Islam4Mauritius is a Islamic Movement which came to exist to fulfil the commands of the divine text of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Messenger Mohammad(saw). Its aim is to please Allah (swt) and its objectives are:

To call society to Islam wherever they are 

Islam4Mauritius is a non violent organisation 

Islam4Mauritius believe they live under a covenant of security. 

Islam4Mauriius believes in commanding society to do good and forbidding  society from doing evil wherever they are.

Islam4Mauritius works to establish the Shariah wherever they are 

Islam4Mauritius’ methodology to achieve these objectives is not rational, but rather based on the divine text and is the same as that employed by the messenger Mohammad (saw)

  • Islam4Mauritius believes it is necessary to follow  the example of the messenger Mohammad (saw) in carrying da’wa, the same way he (saw) commanded the good and forbade the evil of society.

 Islam4Mauritius draws a clear line between Islam and Shirk, and condemns the secularisation of the Muslim Ummah. Hence, Islam4Mauritius regards itself as a tool for Muslims to use in order to fulfil their collective obligations and readily co-operates with other Islamic movements for the sake of Allah.